
Contributing to Graphein#

Contribution is always welcomed. A good starting place is the roadmap issue, where you can find our current milestones. All contributions must go through pull requests and be reviewed by the committers. See our contribution guide for more details.

Once your contribution is accepted and merged, congratulations, you are now a contributor to the Graphein project. We will put your name in the list below.


Arian Jamasb: @a-r-j

Eric J. Ma: @ericmjl

Ramon Vinas: @rvinas

Charlie Harris: @cch1999

Dominic Hall: @dhall1995

Kexin Huang: @kexinhuang12345

Sean Aubin: @Seanny123

Ryan Greenhalgh: @rg314

Rico Meinl: @ricomnl

Alex Morehead @amorehead