Source code for graphein.molecule.graphs

"""Functions for working with Small Molecule Graphs."""
# %%
# Graphein
# Author: Arian Jamasb <>, Eric Ma, Charlie Harris
# License: MIT
# Project Website:
# Code Repository:
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, List, Optional

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from graphein.molecule.edges.atomic import add_atom_bonds
from graphein.utils.utils import (

from .config import MoleculeGraphConfig

    import rdkit
    from rdkit import Chem
except ImportError:
    import_message("graphein.molecule.graphs", "rdkit", "rdkit", True)

[docs]def initialise_graph_with_metadata( name: str, rdmol: rdkit.Mol, coords: np.ndarray, ) -> nx.Graph: """ Initializes the nx Graph object with initial metadata. :param name: Name of the molecule. Either the smiles or filename depending on how the graph was created. :type name: str :param rdmol: Processed Dataframe of molecule structure. :type rdmol: rdkit.Mol :return: Returns initial molecule structure graph with metadata. :rtype: nx.Graph """ return nx.Graph( name=name, rdmol=rdmol, coords=coords, smiles=Chem.MolToSmiles(rdmol) )
[docs]def add_nodes_to_graph( G: nx.Graph, verbose: bool = False, ) -> nx.Graph: """Add nodes into molecule graph. :param G: ``nx.Graph`` with metadata to populate with nodes. :type G: nx.Graph :param verbose: Controls verbosity of this step. :type verbose: bool :returns: nx.Graph with nodes added. :rtype: nx.Graph """ for i, atom in enumerate(G.graph["rdmol"].GetAtoms()): coords = ( G.graph["coords"][i] if G.graph["coords"] is not None else None ) G.add_node( f"{atom.GetSymbol()}:{str(atom.GetIdx())}", atomic_num=atom.GetAtomicNum(), element=atom.GetSymbol(), rdmol_atom=atom, coords=coords, ) if verbose: print( print(G.nodes()) return G
[docs]def construct_graph( config: Optional[MoleculeGraphConfig] = None, sdf_path: Optional[str] = None, smiles: Optional[str] = None, mol2_path: Optional[str] = None, pdb_path: Optional[str] = None, edge_construction_funcs: Optional[str] = None, edge_annotation_funcs: Optional[List[Callable]] = None, node_annotation_funcs: Optional[List[Callable]] = None, graph_annotation_funcs: Optional[List[Callable]] = None, ) -> nx.Graph: """ Constructs protein structure graph from a ``sdf_path``, ``mol2_path`` or ``smiles``. Users can provide a :class:`~graphein.molecule.config.MoleculeGraphConfig` object to specify construction parameters. However, config parameters can be overridden by passing arguments directly to the function. :param config: :class:`~graphein.molecule.config.MoleculeGraphConfig` object. If None, defaults to config in ``graphein.molecule.config``. :type config: graphein.molecule.config.MoleculeGraphConfig, optional :param sdf_path: Path to ``sdf_file`` to build graph from. Default is ``None``. :type sdf_path: str, optional :param smiles: smiles string to build graph from. Default is ``None``. :type smiles: str, optional :param mol2_path: Path to ``mol2_file`` to build graph from. Default is ``None``. :type mol2_path: str, optional :param pdb_path: Path to ``pdb_file`` to build graph from. Default is ``None``. :type pdb_path: str, optional :param edge_construction_funcs: List of edge construction functions. Default is ``None``. :type edge_construction_funcs: List[Callable], optional :param edge_annotation_funcs: List of edge annotation functions. Default is ``None``. :type edge_annotation_funcs: List[Callable], optional :param node_annotation_funcs: List of node annotation functions. Default is ``None``. :type node_annotation_funcs: List[Callable], optional :param graph_annotation_funcs: List of graph annotation function. Default is ``None``. :type graph_annotation_funcs: List[Callable] :return: Molecule Structure Graph :type: nx.Graph """ # If no config is provided, use default if config is None: config = MoleculeGraphConfig() config.node_metadata_functions = ( node_annotation_funcs if config.node_metadata_functions is None else config.node_metadata_functions ) config.graph_metadata_functions = ( graph_annotation_funcs if config.graph_metadata_functions is None else config.graph_metadata_functions ) config.edge_metadata_functions = ( edge_annotation_funcs if config.edge_metadata_functions is None else config.edge_metadata_functions ) config.edge_construction_functions = ( edge_construction_funcs if config.edge_construction_functions is None else config.edge_construction_functions ) coords = None if smiles is not None: name = smiles rdmol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if sdf_path is not None: name = sdf_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] rdmol = Chem.SDMolSupplier(sdf_path)[0] coords = [ list(rdmol.GetConformer(0).GetAtomPosition(idx)) for idx in range(rdmol.GetNumAtoms()) ] if mol2_path is not None: name = mol2_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] rdmol = Chem.MolFromMol2File(mol2_path) coords = [ list(rdmol.GetConformer(0).GetAtomPosition(idx)) for idx in range(rdmol.GetNumAtoms()) ] if pdb_path is not None: name = pdb_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] rdmol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(pdb_path) coords = [ list(rdmol.GetConformer(0).GetAtomPosition(idx)) for idx in range(rdmol.GetNumAtoms()) ] if config.add_hs: rdmol = Chem.AddHs(rdmol) if coords is None: # If no coords are provided, add edges by bonds config.edge_construction_functions = [add_atom_bonds] g = initialise_graph_with_metadata( name=name, rdmol=rdmol, coords=None, ) else: # If config params are provided, overwrite them config.edge_construction_functions = ( edge_construction_funcs if config.edge_construction_functions is None else config.edge_construction_functions ) g = initialise_graph_with_metadata( name=name, rdmol=rdmol, coords=np.asarray(coords), ) # Add nodes to graph g = add_nodes_to_graph(g) # Add config to graph g.graph["config"] = config # Annotate additional node metadata if config.node_metadata_functions is not None: g = annotate_node_metadata(g, config.node_metadata_functions) # Compute graph edges g = compute_edges( g, funcs=config.edge_construction_functions, ) # Annotate additional graph metadata if config.graph_metadata_functions is not None: g = annotate_graph_metadata(g, config.graph_metadata_functions) # Annotate additional edge metadata if config.edge_metadata_functions is not None: g = annotate_edge_metadata(g, config.edge_metadata_functions) return g