Source code for graphein.molecule.visualisation

"""Functions for featurising Small Molecule Graphs.

Plotting functions for molecules wrap the methods defined on protein graphs and provide sane defaults.
# %%
# Graphein
# Author: Arian Jamasb <>
# License: MIT
# Project Website:
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from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

from graphein.protein.visualisation import (

[docs]def plot_molecular_graph( G: nx.Graph, angle: int = 30, plot_title: Optional[str] = None, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 7), node_alpha: float = 0.7, node_size_min: float = 20.0, node_size_multiplier: float = 1, label_node_ids: bool = True, node_colour_map: =, edge_color_map: =, colour_nodes_by: str = "element", colour_edges_by: str = "kind", edge_alpha: float = 0.5, plot_style: str = "ggplot", out_path: Optional[str] = None, out_format: str = ".png", ) -> Axes3D: """ Plots molecular graph in ``Axes3D``. :param G: nx.Graph Protein Structure graph to plot. :type G: nx.Graph :param angle: View angle. Defaults to ``30``. :type angle: int :param plot_title: Title of plot. Defaults to ``None``. :type plot_title: str, optional :param figsize: Size of figure, defaults to ``(10, 7)``. :type figsize: Tuple[int, int] :param node_alpha: Controls node transparency, defaults to ``0.7``. :type node_alpha: float :param node_size_min: Specifies node minimum size, defaults to ``20``. :type node_size_min: float :param node_size_multiplier: Scales node size by a constant. Node sizes reflect degree. Defaults to ``20``. :type node_size_multiplier: float :param label_node_ids: bool indicating whether or not to plot ``node_id`` labels. Defaults to ``True``. :type label_node_ids: bool :param node_colour_map: colour map to use for nodes. Defaults to ````. :type node_colour_map: :param edge_color_map: colour map to use for edges. Defaults to ````. :type edge_color_map: :param colour_nodes_by: Specifies how to colour nodes. ``"degree"``, ``"seq_position"`` or a node feature. :type colour_nodes_by: str :param colour_edges_by: Specifies how to colour edges. Currently only ``"kind"`` is supported. :type colour_edges_by: str :param edge_alpha: Controls edge transparency. Defaults to ``0.5``. :type edge_alpha: float :param plot_style: matplotlib style sheet to use. Defaults to ``"ggplot"``. :type plot_style: str :param out_path: If not none, writes plot to this location. Defaults to ``None`` (does not save). :type out_path: str, optional :param out_format: Fileformat to use for plot :type out_format: str :return: matplotlib Axes3D object. :rtype: Axes3D """ return plot_protein_structure_graph( G, angle=angle, plot_title=plot_title, figsize=figsize, node_alpha=node_alpha, node_size_min=node_size_min, node_size_multiplier=node_size_multiplier, label_node_ids=label_node_ids, node_colour_map=node_colour_map, edge_color_map=edge_color_map, colour_nodes_by=colour_nodes_by, colour_edges_by=colour_edges_by, edge_alpha=edge_alpha, plot_style=plot_style, out_path=out_path, out_format=out_format, )
[docs]def plotly_molecular_graph( g: nx.Graph, plot_title: Optional[str] = None, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (620, 650), node_alpha: float = 0.7, node_size_min: float = 20, node_size_multiplier: float = 1.0, label_node_ids: bool = True, node_color_map: =, edge_color_map: =, colour_nodes_by: str = "element", colour_edges_by: str = "kind", ) -> go.Figure: """ Plots molecular graph using plotly. :param G: nx.Graph Molecular graph to plot :type G: nx.Graph :param plot_title: Title of plot, defaults to ``None``. :type plot_title: str, optional :param figsize: Size of figure, defaults to ``(620, 650)``. :type figsize: Tuple[int, int] :param node_alpha: Controls node transparency, defaults to ``0.7``. :type node_alpha: float :param node_size_min: Specifies node minimum size. Defaults to ``20.0``. :type node_size_min: float :param node_size_multiplier: Scales node size by a constant. Node sizes reflect degree. Defaults to ``1.0``. :type node_size_multiplier: float :param label_node_ids: bool indicating whether or not to plot ``node_id`` labels. Defaults to ``True``. :type label_node_ids: bool :param node_colour_map: colour map to use for nodes. Defaults to ````. :type node_colour_map: :param edge_color_map: colour map to use for edges. Defaults to ````. :type edge_color_map: :param colour_nodes_by: Specifies how to colour nodes. ``"degree"``, or a node feature. Defaults to ``"element"``. :type colour_edges_by: str :param colour_edges_by: Specifies how to colour edges. Currently only ``"kind"`` is supported. :type colour_nodes_by: str :returns: Plotly Graph Objects plot :rtype: go.Figure """ return plotly_protein_structure_graph( g, plot_title=plot_title, figsize=figsize, node_alpha=node_alpha, node_size_min=node_size_min, node_size_multiplier=node_size_multiplier, label_node_ids=label_node_ids, node_colour_map=node_color_map, edge_color_map=edge_color_map, colour_nodes_by=colour_nodes_by, colour_edges_by=colour_edges_by, )