# %%
# Graphein
# Author: Arian Jamasb <arian@jamasb.io>, Ramon Vinas
# License: MIT
# Project Website: https://github.com/a-r-j/graphein
# Code Repository: https://github.com/a-r-j/graphein
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
[docs]class STRINGConfig(BaseModel):
Config for specifying parameters for API calls to STRINGdb. Full documentation can be found: https://string-db.org/help/api/
:param species: NCBI taxon identifiers, defaults to 9606 (human)
:type species: int, optional
:param required_score: Threshold of significance to include a interaction, a number between 0 and 1000 (default depends on the network)
:type required_score: int, optional
:param network_type: Network type: "functional" (default), "physical"
:type network_type: str, optional
:param add_nodes: Adds a number of proteins to the network based on their confidence score, e.g., extends the interaction neighborhood of selected proteins to desired value, defaults to 50
:type add_nodes: int, optional
:param show_query_node_labels: When available use submitted names in the preferredName column when (0 or 1) (default:0)
:type show_query_node_labels: bool, optional
species: Optional[int] = 9606 # NCBI taxon identifiers
required_score: Optional[
] = 50 # threshold of significance to include a interaction, a number between 0 and 1000 (default depends on the network)
network_type: Optional[
] = "functional" # network type: functional (default), physical
add_nodes: Optional[
] = 0 # adds a number of proteins to the network based on their confidence score, e.g., extends the interaction neighborhood of selected proteins to desired value
show_query_node_labels: Optional[
] = 0 # when available use submitted names in the preferredName column when (0 or 1) (default:0)
[docs]class BioGridConfig(BaseModel):
Config for specifying parameters for API calls to BIOGRID. A full description of the parameters can be found at : https://wiki.thebiogrid.org/doku.php/biogridrest
:param searchNames: If ‘true’, the interactor OFFICIAL_SYMBOL will be examined for a match with the geneList.
:type searchNames: bool, optional
:param max: Number of results to fetch, defaults to 10,000
:type max: int, optional
:param interSpeciesExcluded: If ‘true’, interactions with interactors from different species will be excluded, defaults to True
:type interSpeciesExcluded: bool, optional
:param selfInteractionsExcluded: If ‘true’, interactions with one interactor will be excluded, defaults to False
:type selfInteractionsExcluded: bool, optional.
:param evidenceList: Any interaction evidence with its Experimental System in the list will be excluded from the results unless includeEvidence is set to true., defaults to "" (empty string)
:type evidenceList: str, optional
:param includeEvidence: If set to true, any interaction evidence with its Experimental System in the evidenceList will be included in the result, defaults to False
:type includeEvidence: bool, optional
:param searchIDs: If ‘true’, the interactor ENTREZ_GENE, ORDERED LOCUS and SYSTEMATIC_NAME (orf) will be examined for a match with the geneList. Defaults to True
:type searchIDs: bool, optional
:param searchNames: # If ‘true’, the interactor OFFICIAL_SYMBOL will be examined for a match with the geneList. Defaults to True.
:type searchNames: bool, optional
:param searchSynonyms: If ‘true’, the interactor SYNONYMS will be examined for a match with the geneList. Defaults to True.
:type searchSynonyms: bool, optional
:param searchBiogridIds: If ‘true’, the entries in 'GENELIST' will be compared to BIOGRID internal IDS which are provided in all Tab2 formatted files. Defaults to True
:type seachBiogridIds: bool, optional
:param additionalIdentifierTypes: Identifier types on this list are examined for a match with the geneList. Defaults to ""
:type additionalIdentifierTypes: str, optional
:param excludeGenes: If ‘true’, interactions containing genes in the geneList will be excluded from the results. Defaults to False
:type excludeGenes: bool, optional
:param includeInteractors: If ‘true’, in addition to interactions between genes on the geneList, interactions will also be fetched which have only one interactor on the geneList. Defaults to True
:type includeInteractors: bool, optional
:param includeInteractorInteractions: # If ‘true’ interactions between the geneList’s first order interactors will be included. Defaults to False
:type includeInteractorInteractions: bool, optional
:param pubmedList: Interactions will be fetched whose Pubmed Id is/ is not in this list, depending on the value of excludePubmeds. Defaults to ""
:type pubmedList: str, optional
:param excludePubmeds: If ‘false’, interactions with Pubmed ID in pubmedList will be included in the results; if ‘true’ they will be excluded. Defaults to False
:type excludePubmeds: bool, optional
:param htpThreshold: Interactions whose Pubmed ID has more than this number of interactions will be excluded from the results. Ignored if excludePubmeds is ‘false’. Defaults to 20.
:type htpThreshold: int, optional
:param throughputTag: If set to 'low or 'high', only interactions with 'Low throughput' or 'High throughput' in the 'throughput' field will be returned. Defaults to "any"
:type throughputTag: str, optional
searchNames: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, the interactor OFFICIAL_SYMBOL will be examined for a match with the geneList.
max: Optional[int] = 10000 # Number of results to fetch
interSpeciesExcluded: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, interactions with interactors from different species will be excluded.
selfInteractionsExcluded: Optional[
] = False # If ‘true’, interactions with one interactor will be excluded.
evidenceList: Optional[
] = "" # Any interaction evidence with its Experimental System in the list will be excluded from the results unless includeEvidence is set to true.
includeEvidence: Optional[
] = False # If set to true, any interaction evidence with its Experimental System in the evidenceList will be included in the result
searchIds: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, the interactor ENTREZ_GENE, ORDERED LOCUS and SYSTEMATIC_NAME (orf) will be examined for a match with the geneList.
searchNames: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, the interactor OFFICIAL_SYMBOL will be examined for a match with the geneList.
searchSynonyms: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, the interactor SYNONYMS will be examined for a match with the geneList.
searchBiogridIds: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, the entries in 'GENELIST' will be compared to BIOGRID internal IDS which are provided in all Tab2 formatted files.
additionalIdentifierTypes: Optional[
] = "" # Identifier types on this list are examined for a match with the geneList.
excludeGenes: Optional[
] = False # If ‘true’, interactions containing genes in the geneList will be excluded from the results.
includeInteractors: Optional[
] = True # If ‘true’, in addition to interactions between genes on the geneList, interactions will also be fetched which have only one interactor on the geneList
includeInteractorInteractions: Optional[
] = False # If ‘true’ interactions between the geneList’s first order interactors will be included.
pubmedList: Optional[
] = "" # Interactions will be fetched whose Pubmed Id is/ is not in this list, depending on the value of excludePubmeds.
excludePubmeds: Optional[
] = False # If ‘false’, interactions with Pubmed ID in pubmedList will be included in the results; if ‘true’ they will be excluded.
htpThreshold: Optional[
] = 20 # Interactions whose Pubmed ID has more than this number of interactions will be excluded from the results. Ignored if excludePubmeds is ‘false’.
throughputTag: Optional[
] = "any" # If set to 'low or 'high', only interactions with 'Low throughput' or 'High throughput' in the 'throughput' field will be returned.
[docs]class PPIGraphConfig(BaseModel):
Config for specifying parameters for PPI Graph Construction
:param paginate: Controls whether or not to paginate API calls. Useful for large queries. Defaults to True
:type paginate: bool
:param ncbi_taxon_id: Defaults to 9606 (human)
:type ncbi_taxon_id: int
:param kwargs:
:type kwargs: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]], optional
:param string_config: Config Object holding parameters for STRINGdb API calls. Defaults to None
:type string_config: graphein.ppi.config.STRINGConfig
:param biogrid_config: Config Object holding parameters for BioGrid API calls. Defaults to None
:type biogrid_config: graphein.ppi.config.BioGridConfig, optional
paginate: bool = True
ncbi_taxon_id: int = 9606
kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]] = {
"STRING_escore": 0.2, # Keeps STRING interactions with an experimental score >= 0.2
"BIOGRID_throughputTag": "high", # Keeps high throughput BIOGRID interactions
string_config: Optional[STRINGConfig] = None
biogrid_config: Optional[BioGridConfig] = None
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True