Source code for graphein.protein.features.sequence.embeddings

"""Functions to add embeddings from pre-trained language models protein structure graphs."""
# Graphein
# Author: Arian Jamasb <>
# License: MIT
# Project Website:
# Code Repository:
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from pathlib import Path

import networkx as nx

from graphein.protein.features.sequence.utils import (
from graphein.utils.utils import import_message

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import torch
except ImportError:
    message = import_message(

    import biovec
except ImportError:
    message = import_message(

def _load_esm_model(model_name: str = "esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S"):
    Loads pre-trained FAIR ESM model from torch hub.

        Biological Structure and Function Emerge from Scaling Unsupervised Learning to 250 Million Protein Sequences (2019)
        Rives, Alexander and Meier, Joshua and Sercu, Tom and Goyal, Siddharth and Lin, Zeming and Liu, Jason and Guo,
        Demi and Ott, Myle and Zitnick, C. Lawrence and Ma, Jerry and Fergus, Rob

        Transformer protein language models are unsupervised structure learners 2020
        Rao, Roshan M and Meier, Joshua and Sercu, Tom and Ovchinnikov, Sergey and Rives, Alexander

    Pre-trained models:
    Full Name layers params Dataset Embedding Dim Model URL
    ========= ====== ====== ======= ============= =========
    ESM-1b   esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S 33 650M UR50/S 1280
    ESM1-main esm1_t34_670M_UR50S34 670M UR50/S 1280
    esm1_t34_670M_UR50D 34 670M UR50/D 1280
    esm1_t34_670M_UR100 34 670M UR100 1280
    esm1_t12_85M_UR50S 12 85M UR50/S 768
    esm1_t6_43M_UR50S 6 43M UR50/S 768

    :param model_name: Name of pre-trained model to load
    :type model_name: str
    :return: loaded pre-trained model

    return torch.hub.load("facebookresearch/esm", model_name)

[docs]def compute_esm_embedding( sequence: str, representation: str, model_name: str = "esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S", output_layer: int = 33, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes sequence embedding using Pre-trained ESM model from FAIR Biological Structure and Function Emerge from Scaling Unsupervised Learning to 250 Million Protein Sequences (2019) Rives, Alexander and Meier, Joshua and Sercu, Tom and Goyal, Siddharth and Lin, Zeming and Liu, Jason and Guo, Demi and Ott, Myle and Zitnick, C. Lawrence and Ma, Jerry and Fergus, Rob Transformer protein language models are unsupervised structure learners 2020 Rao, Roshan M and Meier, Joshua and Sercu, Tom and Ovchinnikov, Sergey and Rives, Alexander Pre-trained models: Full Name layers params Dataset Embedding Dim Model URL ========= ====== ====== ======= ============= ========= ESM-1b esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S 33 650M UR50/S 1280 ESM1-main esm1_t34_670M_UR50S 34 670M UR50/S 1280 esm1_t34_670M_UR50D 34 670M UR50/D 1280 esm1_t34_670M_UR100 34 670M UR100 1280 esm1_t12_85M_UR50S 12 85M UR50/S 768 esm1_t6_43M_UR50S 6 43M UR50/S 768 :param sequence: Protein sequence to embed (str) :type sequence: str :param representation: Type of embedding to extract. ``"residue"`` or ``"sequence"``. Sequence-level embeddings are averaged residue embeddings :type representation: str :param model_name: Name of pre-trained model to use :type model_name: str :param output_layer: integer indicating which layer the output should be taken from :type output_layer: int :return: embedding (``np.ndarray``) :rtype: np.ndarray """ model, alphabet = _load_esm_model(model_name) batch_converter = alphabet.get_batch_converter() data = [ ("protein1", sequence), ] batch_labels, batch_strs, batch_tokens = batch_converter(data) # Extract per-residue representations (on CPU) with torch.no_grad(): results = model( batch_tokens, repr_layers=[output_layer], return_contacts=True ) token_representations = results["representations"][output_layer] if representation == "residue": return token_representations.numpy() # Generate per-sequence representations via averaging # NOTE: token 0 is always a beginning-of-sequence token, so the first residue is token 1. elif representation == "sequence": sequence_representations = [] for i, (_, seq) in enumerate(data): sequence_representations.append( token_representations[i, 1 : len(seq) + 1].mean(0) ) return sequence_representations[0].numpy()
[docs]def esm_residue_embedding( G: nx.Graph, model_name: str = "esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S", output_layer: int = 33, ) -> nx.Graph: """ Computes ESM residue embeddings from a protein sequence and adds the to the graph. Biological Structure and Function Emerge from Scaling Unsupervised Learning to 250 Million Protein Sequences (2019) Rives, Alexander and Meier, Joshua and Sercu, Tom and Goyal, Siddharth and Lin, Zeming and Liu, Jason and Guo, Demi and Ott, Myle and Zitnick, C. Lawrence and Ma, Jerry and Fergus, Rob Transformer protein language models are unsupervised structure learners 2020 Rao, Roshan M and Meier, Joshua and Sercu, Tom and Ovchinnikov, Sergey and Rives, Alexander **Pre-trained models** ========= ====== ====== ======= ============= ========= Full Name layers params Dataset Embedding Dim Model URL ========= ====== ====== ======= ============= ========= ESM-1b esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S 33 650M UR50/S 1280 ESM1-main esm1_t34_670M_UR50S 34 670M UR50/S 1280 esm1_t34_670M_UR50D 34 670M UR50/D 1280 esm1_t34_670M_UR100 34 670M UR100 1280 esm1_t12_85M_UR50S 12 85M UR50/S 768 esm1_t6_43M_UR50S 6 43M UR50/S 768 ========= ====== ====== ======= ============= ========= :param G: ``nx.Graph`` to add esm embedding to. :type G: nx.Graph :param model_name: Name of pre-trained model to use. :type model_name: str :param output_layer: index of output layer in pre-trained model. :type output_layer: int :return: ``nx.Graph`` with esm embedding feature added to nodes. :rtype: nx.Graph """ for chain in G.graph["chain_ids"]: embedding = compute_esm_embedding( G.graph[f"sequence_{chain}"], representation="residue", model_name=model_name, output_layer=output_layer, ) # remove start and end tokens from per-token residue embeddings embedding = embedding[0, 1:-1] subgraph = subset_by_node_feature_value(G, "chain_id", chain) for i, (n, d) in enumerate(subgraph.nodes(data=True)): G.nodes[n]["esm_embedding"] = embedding[i] return G
[docs]def esm_sequence_embedding(G: nx.Graph) -> nx.Graph: """ Computes ESM sequence embedding feature over chains in a graph. :param G: nx.Graph protein structure graph. :type G: nx.Graph :return: nx.Graph protein structure graph with esm embedding features added eg. ``G.graph["esm_embedding_A"]`` for chain A. :rtype: nx.Graph """ func = partial(compute_esm_embedding, representation="sequence") G = compute_feature_over_chains(G, func, feature_name="esm_embedding") return G
@lru_cache() def _load_biovec_model(): """Loads pretrained ProtVec Model. **Source** ProtVec: A Continuous Distributed Representation of Biological Sequences Paper: """ return biovec.models.load_protvec( os.fspath( Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pretrained_models" / "swissprot-reviewed-protvec.model" ) )
[docs]def biovec_sequence_embedding(G: nx.Graph) -> nx.Graph: """ Adds BioVec sequence embedding feature to the graph. Computed over chains. **Source** ProtVec: A Continuous Distributed Representation of Biological Sequences Paper: :param G: nx.Graph protein structure graph. :type G: nx.Graph :return: nx.Graph protein structure graph with biovec embedding added. e.g. ``G.graph["biovec_embedding_A"]`` for chain ``A``. :rtype: nx.Graph """ pv = _load_biovec_model() func = pv.to_vecs G = compute_feature_over_chains(G, func, feature_name="biovec_embedding") return G