Source code for graphein.testing.utils

"""Testing utilities for the Graphein library."""
# %%
# Graphein
# Author: Arian Jamasb <>
# License: MIT
# Project Website:
# Code Repository:

import logging as log
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from graphein.utils.utils import import_message

__all__ = [

[docs]def compare_exact(first: Dict[str, Any], second: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Return whether two dicts of arrays are exactly equal. :param first: The first dictionary. :type first: Dict[str, Any] :param second: The second dictionary. :type second: Dict[str, Any] :return: ``True`` if the dictionaries are exactly equal, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if first.keys() != second.keys(): return False return all(np.array_equal(first[key], second[key]) for key in first)
[docs]def compare_approximate(first, second): """Return whether two dicts of arrays are approximates equal. :param first: The first dictionary. :type first: Dict[str, Any] :param second: The second dictionary. :type second: Dict[str, Any] :return: ``True`` if the dictionaries are approx equal, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if first.keys() != second.keys(): return False return all(np.allclose(first[key], second[key]) for key in first)
[docs]def graphs_isomorphic(g: nx.Graph, h: nx.Graph) -> bool: """Checks for structural isomorphism between two graphs: ``g`` and ``h``. :param g: The first graph. :type g: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param h: The second graph. :type h: :class:`networkx.Graph` :return: ``True`` if the graphs are isomorphic, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return nx.is_isomorphic(g, h)
[docs]def nodes_equal(g: nx.Graph, h: nx.Graph) -> bool: """Checks whether two graphs have the same nodes. :param g: The first graph. :type g: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param h: The second graph. :type h: :class:`networkx.Graph` :raises AssertionError: If the graphs do not contain the same nodes """ for n in g.nodes(): if n not in h.nodes():"Node {n} (graph g) not in graph h") return False for n in h.nodes(): if n not in g.nodes():"Node {n} (graph h) not in graph g") return False return True
[docs]def edges_equal(g: nx.Graph, h: nx.Graph) -> bool: """Checks whether two graphs have the same edges. :param g: The first graph. :type g: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param h: The second graph. :type h: :class:`networkx.Graph` :raises AssertionError: If the graphs do not contain the same nodes """ for u, v in g.edges(): if (u, v) not in h.edges():"Edge {u}-{v} (graph g) not in graph h") return False for u, v in h.edges(): if (u, v) not in g.edges():"Edge {u}-{v} (graph h) not in graph g") return False return True
[docs]def edge_data_equal( g: nx.Graph, h: nx.Graph, comparison_func: Callable = compare_exact ) -> bool: """Checks whether two graphs have the same edge features. :param g: The first graph. :type g: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param h: The second graph. :type h: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param comparison_func: Matching function for edge features. Takes two edge feature dictionaries and returns ``True`` if they are equal. Defaults to :func:`compare_exact` :type node_match_func: Callable :returns: ``True`` if the graphs have the same node features, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if not edges_equal(g, h):"Edge lists do not match") return False for (u, v) in g.edges(): if not compare_exact(g.edges[u, v], h.edges[u, v]):"Edge {u}-{v} (graph g) features do not match graph h") return False for (u, v) in h.edges(): if not compare_exact(g.edges[u, v], h.edges[u, v]):"Edge {u}-{v} (graph h) features do not match graph g") return False return True
def node_data_equal( g: nx.Graph, h: nx.Graph, comparison_func: Callable = compare_exact ) -> bool: """Checks whether two graphs have the same node features. :param g: The first graph. :type g: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param h: The second graph. :type h: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param comparison_func: Matching function for node features. Takes two node dictionaries and returns True if they are equal. Defaults to :func:`compare_exact` :type comparison_func: Callable :returns: ``True`` if the graphs have the same node features, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if not nodes_equal(g, h): return False for n in g.nodes(): if not compare_exact(g.nodes[n], h.nodes[n]):"Node {n} (graph g) features do not match graph h") return False for n in h.nodes(): if not compare_exact(g.nodes[n], h.nodes[n]):"Node {n} (graph h) features do not match graph g") return False return True def graphs_equal( g: nx.Graph, h: nx.Graph, node_match_func: Callable = compare_exact, edge_match_func: Callable = compare_exact, ) -> bool: """Asserts whether two graphs are equal (structural isomorphism and edge and node features match) :param g: The first graph. :type g: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param h: The second graph. :type h: :class:`networkx.Graph` :param node_match_func: Matching function for node features. Takes two node dictionaries and returns True if they are equal. Defaults to :func:`compare_exact` :type node_match_func: Callable :param edge_match_func: Matching function for edge features. A function that takes two edge dictionaries and returns ``True`` if they are equal. Defaults to :func:`compare_exact` :type edge_match_func: Callable :return: ``True`` if the graphs are equal, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return nx.is_isomorphic(g, h, node_match_func, edge_match_func)